JAGARAN - It all does matter about feelings


    JAGARAN, an NPO conceived by fellow professionals from different sectors of society was incepted in April, 2006. It intends to develop social awareness among the different individuals for societal betterment as well as cater to the needs of the hapless providing them assistance in any form. The main objectives of JAGARAN are true manifestations of its name which stands for awareness. Currently JAGARAN is having a strong base of around 250+ Members and 200+ Students. more
    JAGARAN Activities And Projects Agenda
    Till now, JAGARAN has provided various types of aids to nearly 800 needy Students.There is no hard and first rule in JAGARAN, no boundary of its activities. So, even though at the beginning, it was primarily focused on supporting our beneficiaries financially, now with more involvement and more suggestions from Members (JAGARANITES), JAGARAN stands for Total Improvement. more
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    It's not just about helping others.
    As a part of the egalitarian ideology we are not in any position just to help others. But we as human beings can share the emotions, the difficulties one may go through in this short journey called life. It's very important for us to feel the same passion, to have the same enthusiasm to stand by our very own people. more
    Support Us Pictures
    We need Your Support.
    Our vision and mission is to spread our helping hands to those students who are facing financial barrier to continue their studies. We wish to lend them our helping hand while they try to fight unspeakable odds in order to realize their dreams.
    All the citizens of the society are requested to support for the noble cause either by contributing or working with JAGARAN as a volunteer. more

    Copyright @ JAGARAN 2012-2013
    Contact: jagaran.rising@gmail.com